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Types of cat litter

Types of cat litter

Cat litter is the magical substance that makes life easier for owners around the world. It’s not all that much to look at, but its powers are impressive. If you’ve always wondered what makes cat litter super-absorbent, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve broken down the subject of cat litter for you, so, the next time you’re emptying your cat litter box, you’ll have a greater understanding of what you’re dealing with. We want to explain different types of cat litter and you will get, what cat litter is better for your pets.


Types of cat litter:

Before talking about different types of cat litter, we are going to say; how to create cat litter and what is its history. According of most articles the idea of a substance designed to soak up cat urine is nothing new. During the early 20th century, people used everything from ash to sand to address the problem, with varying degrees of success, but cats aren’t all that enamored with these particularly harsh substances, and both have a tendency to stick to feet and fur, which causes cleaning headaches around the home.

During the 1940s, Edward Lowe discovered that granulated clay absorbed moisture and trapped bad odors, but crucially, cats didn’t track the clay through the house afterwards. Lowe recommended the solution to his friends, and the feedback he received was universally positive.

Lowe spotted a business opportunity. He filled five-pound bags with his granulated clay, and branded it “kitty litter.” This relatively simple solution to an age-old problem was an instant hit, and made Lowe rich beyond his wildest dreams.

Nowadays, cat litters have changed and there are different types of them in bastetandanubis site. You can buy the most modern cat litter to the oldest one here, so for buying types of cat litter and some of cat accessories, cat toys, cat food and cat carriers click on bastetandanubis and choose everything that you want.



Read more: What are the best features of cat litter




Cat Litter Types:

  • Clay cat litter:

Clay is one of the oldest and most commonly used types of cat litter. There are both clumping and non-clumping clay litters.

Clay has become popular largely in Types of cat litter because it was the first type of commercial cat litter on the market appearing in 1947 and it’s sold virtually anywhere you can buy pet supplies. You’ll find many different brands of this litter with each brand using a slightly different formulation that often results in added ingredients to help neutralize odor (i.e. baking soda, synthetic fragrance).

Some practical downsides of clay are that it’s prone to tracking, can be dusty, and is very heavy to carry. In our opinion, the more serious concerns are that it contains crystalline silica dust, a known carcinogen when inhaled, and it’s harvested by strip mining. This means it’s not a very environmentally friendly material and can also be unhealthy for cats and humans.

You will find that it absorbs its weight in liquid in non-clumping clay cat litter. however, because it doesn’t clump together, you’ll find you have to change the litter most of time.

Pros of Non-Clumping Clay Litter:


-readily available

-less scooping

Cons of Non-Clumping Clay Litter:


-easily tracked

-mediocre odor control


-not eco-friendly

-not biodegradable

-contains carcinogenic silica dust

Pros of Clumping Clay Litter:

-easier to clean

-better odor control

-longer lasting

Cons of Clumping Clay Litter:


-easily tracked

-not eco-friendly


-not biodegradable

-contains carcinogenic silica dust

different between clumping and non-clumping clay litter refer to their price. clumping is more expensive, generally and how often you’re willing to completely change out the litter, non-clumping requires more frequent changing.


Types of cat litter


  • Tofu cat litter:

Next up, there is tofu cat litter. Probably one of the newest Types of cat litter available on the market, tofu cat litter is quickly gaining popularity, and once you learn about some of its features, it won’t be hard to determine why. It’s made out of soybean fibre, so it’s all natural, biodegradable, non-toxic, and virtually dust-free.

Most brands come in the form of low tracking pellets that clump fairly well and, best of all, can be flushed down the toilet. However, because tofu litter is a plant-based material, it can be vulnerable to mold if stored in humid conditions. It’s also on the pricier side for cat litter.

Pros of Tofu Litter:






-low tracking thanks to the larger pellets




Cons of Tofu Litter:

-higher price

-vulnerable to spoilage

Types of cat litter



Read more: Introducing some popular cat breeds




  • Crystal (Silica Gel) Cat Litter:

Crystal cat litter has started to become more popular in the last couple of years. Also known as silica cat litter, this Types of cat litter is mined from quartz sand. These sand particles are then mixed with oxygen and water, giving us these highly absorbent crystals. In fact, because crystals allow water to evaporate, they can continue to absorb liquid waste for up to a month. If you want to learn more, check out our blogs.

Pros of Crystal Cat Litter:

-low dust


-great odor control

-hygienic litter box (less chance of mold and bacteria growth)

-low maintenance


Cons of Silica Cat Litter:

-easily tracked

-uncomfortable texture for sensitive paws

-non-clumping, requires daily stirring

-not eco-friendly (mined)

-not biodegradable



Types of cat litter


  • Paper Pellet Cat Litter:   

if you are going to find affordable cat litter, we suggest you this one. Paper pellet litter is made from exactly what you would expect paper. Specifically, it is usually made from recycled newspapers, and, on occasion, may include other additions like leaves and sawdust depending on what brand you choose to buy.

Paper litter usually comes in the form of large pellets which, when paired with the right high-sided litter box, can work wonders when it comes to litter tracking. It’s a popular choice for cat parents who want a budget-friendly natural litter instead of clay.

Maybe you want to know the benefits of natural cat litter, upon first glance, this might seem like the perfect cat litter considering recycled paper is so readily available, but paper pellets have their flaws. Here are the biggest pros and cons if this is a cat litter you plan on purchasing.

Pros of Paper Pellet Litter:




-low tracking

-low dust (great for cats with injuries/post-surgery)



Cons of Paper Pellet Litter:

-mediocre odor control

-large pellets can be uncomfortable


-can be hard to clean

-requires frequent changing

Types of cat litter


  • Walnut Cat Litter:

Walnut cat litter is made from the crushed shells of walnuts. It is most often purchased as an alternative to clay cat litter because of the similar texture; however, walnut cat litter weighs much less, which is often appealing to those who clean out their cat litter boxes frequently. The lightweight nature of walnut cat litter also makes it easier for your cat to dig and cover up liquid and solid deposits.

Pros of Walnut Litter:


-clumping and non-clumping varieties available

-fairly low dust

-decent odor control




Cons of Walnut Litter:

-can track

-dark color makes it harder to scoop out solids

-vulnerable to spoilage

Types of cat litter


  • Pine Pellet Cat Litter:

Also often referred to as wood pellets, this Types of cat litter is most well-known for its natural pine scent. Switching to a pellet litter can also be a great way to stop litter tracking. Pine litter often receives praise for its environmentally friendly nature, but not too surprisingly, it’s not without their flaws.

Pros of Pine Pellet Litter

-good odor control

-low dust



-very affordable

-low tracking

Cons of Pine Pellet Litter:

-uncomfortable texture

-natural pine scent

-can be difficult to clean



Types of cat litter


  • Corn Cat Litter:

Known for its biodegradable and compostable nature, corn cat litter is a popular environmentally-friendly cat litter option. It usually has decent clumping, and is often flushable, though the odor control is so-so and it can be prone to tracking. The most popular corn litter brand, which we recently reviewed in-depth, is World’s Best Cat Litter.

PROS of corn cat litter:



-paw-friendly texture



-decent odor control

-low dust


CONS of corn cat litter:

-vulnerable to spoilage

-can be tracked

-some people don’t like the earthy smell

Types of cat litter


What is the best cat litters:

We’ve introduced some Cat Litter Types during this article, when you want to purchase it, there is only one cat litter which can hold against all 9 factors. Tell you all 9 factors in the rest of this article.

  1. Safety and Health:

Safety should be the number one concern when deciding on cat litter. If the cat litter is not safe for your cat regardless of its other benefits—it should automatically be discounted.

Some of the common safety concerns you’ll find with cat litter include respiratory issues for both humans and cats; avoid litters with crystalline silica dust, chemical preservatives, strong perfumes, sodium bentonite (used in clay litter can swell up 12 times its original volume, which can cause serious gastrointestinal distress if consumed).

Keep in mind, with sodium bentonite, your cat doesn’t even have to intentionally consume the litter. They can get this harmful product into their body simply by licking their paws after litter box use, which is a natural and common occurrence for cats.

While some will argue these litters are totally safe, it is our recommendation that you avoid this Types of cat litter and use one of the safer options, especially with kittens who are much more prone to consuming these dangerous litters.

  1. Cleanliness (Dust & Tracking):

In the past, owning a cat often meant accepting that you would find small traces of cat litter throughout your house (i.e. tracking). Cat litter also usually resulted in unwanted dust found throughout the home, which, for most, can be quite a downside to cat ownership.

If you want to keep your home clean and dust-free, look for non-tracking litter. In particular, you’ll find that clumping litters are the best option when prioritizing the cleanliness of your home.

Litters that are often praised for tracking and lack of dust production include walnut, pine, and tofu. Beyond the litter itself, using a high-sided litter box and litter mat can dramatically reduce tracking.

  1. Hygiene  

To keep litter boxes clean, picking a cat litter that is easy for you to clean is probably your best. In most cases, clumping litter is the easiest to clean.

You’ll also want to consider how much time and maintenance you’re willing to dedicate to litter box cleaning. For example, silica can be hygenic option for your cat, but if you’re not committed to stirring the litter daily, as well as cleaning out excrement daily, this is not a great option.

  1. Chemical Additives

This is often a personal preference, but remember, when you’re deciding on your cat’s litter, you’re not only making a decision for yourself, you’re making a decision for your cat.

When you choose a cat litter with artificial scents or colors, you might experience some benefits like cheaper price and fragrances that help cover up odors, but you might also be stressing out your cat.

To cover up odors, try a natural alternative like pine litter. For an affordable option, you could go with paper litter. If you really want to go the natural route and completely avoid synthetic additives, give tofu litter a try.

  1. Odor

Cats have double the olfactory cells that you do at about 200 million, making their sense of smell extremely sensitive. Whether we’re talking about a stinky litter box or a litter box that is full of synthetic fragrances, your cat is not going to be pleased with any odors coming from their litter box.

  1. Allergies (both for yourself and your cat)

Similar to the odor section above, the more natural you go, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to avoid any issues with allergies. Having said that, there are two exceptions: walnut cat litter and corn cat litter. While walnut cat litter is a natural option, it is also a common allergen, especially in humans. Cats can also have a food sensitivity to corn, making it not a great option for their litter box.

Picking a litter that is known for low dust production can also be helpful when considering things like allergens. Your best option for a low dust-producing litter is tofu.

  1. Eco-friendly 

One of the biggest reasons why eco-friendly cat litters have become more common is because of the issues surrounding traditional cat litters. Most notably, clumping cat litters made from sodium bentonite often end up in landfills, and because these litters can swell to 12 times their size when exposed to water, these litters take up a considerate amount of space in landfills, which we all know is dangerous for the environment.

  1. Cost 

When you’ve considered all the factors and you’re stuck between multiple options, the cost might be worth considering.

In addition, when looking at cost, don’t forget to consider how frequently you’ll need to change the litter box. While higher-quality litters might be more expensive initially, in the long run, if they require less cleaning, you actually might end up spending less money.


I hope, this article is suitable for you and if you have pet, choose the best one of cat litters. You can purchase every thing refer to cat in bastetandanubis with high-quality. If require to know more about cats, read our blogs.

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